Freyssinet Group

The Freyssinet Group is involved in construction, refurbishment and maintenance of all types of building and civil engineering works.
Freyssinet belonging to Soletanche Freyssinet group, is a company having over 70 years of experience worldwide in its specialized areas of Prestressing in Building and Bridges, Construction methods, Cable stayed structures, Structural accessories and repair and Maintenance of structures. Freyssinet is a part of the world leading concession and Construction company called VINCI Group whose operations spread to over more than 100 countries across the globe.
Increasingly involved in sustainable development issues, the Freyssinet Group is stepping up initiatives, to improve environmental protection on construction sites as well as strengthen its policy on social responsibility. Putting people at the core of the organisation, the Freyssinet Group has thus been committed to active steps towards risk prevention and safety.
Eugène Freyssinet conceived the idea of Prestressing for the first time in 1903.
Three years later he issued a paper in which he described the elastic properties of concrete, which had previously only been known for steel. Freyssinet continued to develop the technique between 1903 and 1928 when a patent entitled the "Manufacturing process for reinforced concrete components" was taken out for the Prestressing system. The term "prestressing" did not appear until 1932. Freyssinet made a widely publicised demonstration of the advantages of Prestressing in 1934, by successfully consolidating the Le Havre shipping terminal.
In 1943, Edme Campenon, Chairman of Entreprises Campenon Bernard, created the STUP (Sociètè Technique pour l'Utilisation de la Prècontrainte - Engineering Company for the use of Prestressing), to take over and continue research work initiated by Eugène Freyssinet. STUP's continuing role was to promote prestressing techniques and their applications to clients, to manufacture prestressing equipment and materials, and to provide technical assistance on site. The history of the Freyssinet Group thus includes four main steps.
